Saint Severinus of Noricum

Saint Severinus of Noricum

Saint Severinus of Noricum Saint of the Day – 8 January – Saint Severinus of Noricum (c410-482) Abbot, Hermit, Missionary, established Monasteries and refuge centres for those stricken by war. Severinus was graced with the gifts of prophecy and miracles. He is known as “The Apostle to Noricum” – Noricum is the Latin name for […]

Saint Marcian

Saint Marcian 10th January

Saint Marcian A simple Priest in Constantinople – Saint Marcian. St. Marcian was born in Rome, but resided in Constantinople to the end of his life. He inherited great wealth from his parents, and spent it unstintingly on beautifying churches, giving charity and helping the poor.  He flourished during the reign of Emperor Marcian and

Saint Adrian of Canterbury

Saint Adrian of Canterbury 9th January

Saint Adrian of Canterbury Though Saint Adrian turned down a papal request to become Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Pope Saint Vitalian accepted the rejection on the condition that Adrian serve as the Holy Father’s assistant and adviser. Adrian accepted, but ended up spending most of his life and doing most of his work in Canterbury.

saint agnes

Saint Agnes

Name of Icon St. Agnes of Rome was born in 291 AD and raised in a Christian family. Agnes was very beautiful and belonged to a wealthy family. Her hand in marriage was highly sought after, and she had many high ranking men chasing after her. However, Agnes made a promise to God never to

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