Saint Severinus of Noricum
Saint of the Day – 8 January – Saint Severinus of Noricum (c410-482) Abbot, Hermit, Missionary, established Monasteries and refuge centres for those stricken by war. Severinus was graced with the gifts of prophecy and miracles. He is known as “The Apostle to Noricum” – Noricum is the Latin name for the Celtic Kingdom or Federation of Tribes which included most of modern Austria and part of Slovenia. Born in c410 and died on 8 January 482 at Favianae, Noricum of natural causes. Patronages – against famine, of linen weavers, prisoners, vineyards/vintners/wine farms, Austria, Bavaria, Germany, the Diocese of Linz, Austria. Also known as – Severrin, Severino.
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